Trade between China and the U.S. is transforming.  Just as Japan’s trade with the U.S. changed in the 1980s, China’s trade with the U.S. will as well. Instead of a fully open U.S. market, trade will become more managed, with “voluntary” export restraints on certain Chinese goods, and “encouraged” import of certain American goods.

One result will be more Chinese firms operating within the US, and more American firms operating in China.  In each case, the share of trade in intermediate goods is likely to increase, as more companies establish assembly operations in their destination markets, and trade shifts away from managed categories.



These developments open opportunities — especially for midsize companies.  For example, firms which were previously hidden behind their domestic high-profile OEMs can more successfully seek new customers in China or the US.


Many large companies have entered these markets already.  What midsize companies need is someone to help them enter, too — someone with presence in both markets and broad capabilities.

So we now offer:



Market Entry Services for Chinese & American Companies


Are you a Chinese company looking to enter the U.S. market, or an American company seeking Chinese customers or expansion?  Eos consulting, in partnership with TaoXin,  can provide qualified clients a “1 stop shop” for market entry and related support services for commerce between the U.S. and China, including:

  • Business or market entry strategy, growth planning
  • Marketing expertise
  • Financial expertise, including due diligence
  • Human Resources support
  • Legal and sourcing/procurement services in China, and due diligence for those services in the U.S.

您是一家希望进入美国市场的中国公司么?还是一家寻求中国客户或准备在中国开拓市场的美国公司呢?美国 Eos咨询公司携上海韬歆企业管理咨询有限公司,一同为中美客户提供进入商业市场及相关支持的“一站式”服务,包括:

  • 商业或市场进入战略,发展计划
  • 营销专业知识
  • 财务专业知识,含尽职调查
  • 人力资源支持
  • 中国法律以及供应商选择/采购服务,包含这些服务在美国的尽职调查。

Today, successful entry into the U.S. market requires much more than meeting legal requirements for importing parts or products, then posting products and prices and expecting enough orders to come in.

If you supply materials, or make parts and/or intermediate products, you must think carefully about how you fit into American supply chains, including:  which customers are the best match for your capabilities; the extent to which you are willing (and able) to change your products for particular customers; and more.

如今, 成功进入美国市场不仅仅需要满足进口零部件或产品的法律规定, 还要发布产品及价格期待有足够的订单成交。

如果您提供物料, 或制造零件和/或中间产品, 您需要考虑如何适合美国的供应链,包括:哪些客户与您的生产能力最为匹配;您愿意 (并能够) 为特定客户定制产品的程度等等。

If you are an OEM yourself, you must consider which types of end customers you can best sell to, and how to reach them.

In both cases, you need to consider whether you will move some assembly or fabrication onshore, to the American base of operations.  Your manufacturing strategy will need to take into account not only costs, but responsiveness, quality, and collaboration with your customers.

如果您本身是一个OEM  , 您需要考虑最好卖给哪些类型的最终客户 以及如何才能联系到他们。

在上述情况下, 您需要考虑是否将一些装配或制造搬到美国的操作基地上。 您的制造策略需要考虑的不仅是成本, 还有是响应性、质量以及与客户的合作。

Similarly, American companies entering the Chinese market must adjust to Chinese cultural and business practices — it is essential have local guidance as you begin to trade and establish operations in China.  In addition to the issues described above, it is especially important for American companies operating in China to establish the appropriate legal and financial arrangements.

同样, 美国公司进入中国市场需要适应中国的文化和商业习惯–当您在中国开展贸易和建立业务时,有当地的指导是十分重要的,。 除了上述提到的问题之外, 在中国经营的美国公司建立合适的法律和财务方面的安排也尤其重要。

Eos consulting has partnered with Chinese consulting firm TaoXin – who is very experienced in these realms, and directly handles legal, financial, and supply chain needs for American companies entering China.


Our deeply experienced consultants have worked extensively with top tier companies across the U.S. and  China.  These include: Geely, John Deere, Cummins, Huawei, Faurecia, Volvo, Weichai, etc.  We can apply that expertise to help your company establish operations, generate revenue, control startup costs and compete more effectively.  The value that you receive is amplified by our ability to seamlessly leverage our expertise across the spectrum of needed services.  Do you only need one or two of these services?  Then let our team tailor a package specifically for your needs.

我们经验丰富的顾问与美国和中国的顶级公司进行过广泛的合作。他们曾为诸如:吉利、约翰迪尔、康明斯、华为、佛吉亚、沃尔沃、潍柴等顶级制造商服务。 我们希望运用这些专业知识帮助您的公司建立运营、增加营收、控制设立成本和更有效地竞争。您获得的价值源于我们整合利用自己的专业知识并将其与您需要的服务无缝对接的能力。  。 您是否只需要这些服务的一项或两项?那就让我们的团队针对您的需求来量身定制。   。

How we add value for you:

我们如何为您  增添价值:

Business/market entry strategy – thinking of entering the U.S. market, yet are not sure specifically where or how to compete to become established in that market?  Once you have a clear understanding of where, do you know how you are going to win in those markets (versus the competition)?  What do these markets require and what products and services should you focus on?  What capabilities and business models are required to be successful?  In what sequence you should make what moves?  Our business/market entry strategy service helps answer these questions and more.

商业/市场进入战略-考虑进入美国市场, 但不确定具体哪里有市场或者如何在这个已有的市场上竞争,? 当您清楚哪里有市场, 您知道如何在这些市场  中取胜吗(面对竞争)? 这些市场的需求是什么以及 您应该关注哪些产品和服务? 需要哪些能力和商业模型才能成功?在哪些阶段您应该做出何种相应的行动? 我们的商业/市场进入战略服务可以帮助回答这些及更多的相关问题

Marketing expertise – once you know where you want to compete and how, how will you market your products and services?  Simply extending what you are doing in your home market is unlikely to work as you expect.  How will you reach customers?  What is your pricing strategy and structure?  How should you promote your products and services?  Each of these elements is critical to your success of your market expansion.  Let our experts help you navigate a path to success.

营销-一旦您知道在哪里竞争以及如何竞争, 那么您将如何营销您的产品和服务?仅仅简单照搬您在母国市场上的做法可能并不是好的答案 。 您将如何获得客户? 您的定价策略和结构是什么? 您应该如何推广您的产品和服务? 这些要素中的每一项都对您的市场扩展取得成功至关重要。 让我们的专家帮助您找到通向成功的道路。

Legal, financial, and due diligence expertise – after careful  study of the market, you have various structural options for market entry – for example through a partnership, joint venture, acquisition or by registering your company directly.

What are the risks and benefits?   How should you protect your interests?  How will you navigate the legal and financial environment/policies/regulations?

In China, our legal and financial experts can help design the optimal business model/structure, draft and revise contracts, execute the transaction, arrange financing, and protect and fight for your interests until the process is complete.  In the U.S., we can do the due diligence to ensure you connect with the right experts for advice.

法律、财务和尽职调查-在对市场进行深入研究之后, 您对进入市场的结构方式可以有各种选择-例如通过合伙、合资、收购或直接注册您的公司。

这些方式的风险和好处是什么?  您应该如何保护您的利益? 您要如何驾驭法律和财务环境/政策/法规?

在中国, 我们的法律和财务专家可以帮助您设计最佳的商业模式/结构, 起草和修改合同, 进行交易, 安排融资, 保护和争取您的利益直到项目结束完成。 在美国, 我们会做尽职调查,来确保您与合适的专家取得联系并获得相应的建议,。

Human Resources support – once your entity is established or acquired, how are you going to build the organization?  How will you find and attract the critical skillsets that will be necessary? What are the appropriate compensation levels? What training policies and procedures will be necessary? How should you deal with unions and local governments? Our Human Resources service helps pave the way for your company’s success.

人力资源支持-一旦您公司建立或者取得后公司, 您将如何建立组织? 您将如何找到并吸引必要的关键技术人员?适当的薪酬水平是多少?哪些培训政策和程序是必要的?您应该如何处理和工会以及地方政府的关系?我们的人力资源服务有助于为贵公司的成功铺平道路。

Sourcing/procurement services – in the rapidly developing Chinese market, reliable sourcing is essential.  Our experienced Supplier Quality teams can help find your ideal suppliers, provide effective due diligence and negotiate fair and reliable procurement contracts for your company.

采购/采购服务-在快速发展的中国市场, 可靠的采购是十分重要的。 我们经验丰富的供应商质量团队可以帮助您找到理想的供应商, 为您的公司提供有效的尽职调查以及对采购合同进行公平可靠的谈判。

Our approach is collaborative and energetic.  We extend your team’s capabilities and build commitment to action.  We work closely with your team, resulting in sustained commitment even when we are no longer involved.

Might we add value for your company?  If so, please contact us at [email protected] and we will connect to schedule time to discuss your needs.  We look forward to hearing from you!

我们的工作态度是合作并积极。 我们可以增加您团队的能力, 并对行动进行承诺。 我们与您的团队紧密合作, 即使我们不再参与的情况下也将持续保证服务质量。   我们能为贵公司增添价值吗? 如果可以, 请通过 [email protected]与我们联系 、, 我们将安排时间联系您来讨论您的需求。 我们期待您的来信!

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